2018 Course under the SET Project

The Chair of Optimization and Control at the Institute of Computer Science and the SET Program at the Jagiellonian University kindly invite to the course of Professor Zhenhai Liu from Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning, China on "Partial Differential Operators and Regularization of Quasi-hemivariational Inequalities". Lecture is interdisciplinary, the subject lies on the border of mathematics, computer science and mechanics. The course is addressed to Master students, PhD students, young doctors and faculty members.

2018 Course under the SET Project

The Chair of Optimization and Control at the Institute of Computer Science and the SET Program at the Jagiellonian University kindly invite to the course of Professor Weimin Han from the University of Iowa, USA on "Numerical Analysis of Variational and Hemivariational Inequalities with Applications". Lecture is interdisciplinary, the subject lies on the border of mathematics, computer science and mechanics. The course is addressed to Master students, PhD students, young doctors and faculty members.

2018 Course under the SET Project

The Chair of Optimization and Control at the Institute of Computer Science and the SET Program at the Jagiellonian University kindly invite to the course of Professor Mircea Sofonea from Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, France on "Variational inequalities: methods, results and novel applications". Lecture is interdisciplinary, the subject lies on the border of mathematics, computer science and mechanics. The course is addressed to Master students, PhD students, young doctors and faculty members.

2015 Course under the SET Project

The Chair of Optimization and Control at the Institute of Computer Science and the SET Program at the Jagiellonian University kindly invite to the course of Professor Dr. Meir Shillor from Oakland University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Rochester, Michigan on "Advanced Mathematical Modeling". Lecture is interdisciplinary, the subject lies on the border of mathematics, computer science and mechanics. The course is addressed to Master students, PhD students, young doctors and faculty members.

For more details visit http://www.set.uj.edu.pl/profesorowie-wizytujacy/2015

2014 Course under the SET Project

The Chair of Optimization and Control at the Institute of Computer Science and the SET Program at the Jagiellonian University kindly invite to the course of Professor Dr. Weimin Han from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, on Numerical Analysis with Applications to Contact Mechanics". Lecture is interdisciplinary, the subject lies on the border of mathematics, computer science and mechanics. The course is addressed to Master students, PhD students, young doctors and faculty members.

For more details visit http://www.set.uj.edu.pl/profesorowie-wizytujacy/2014

2013 Course under the SET Project

The Chair of Optimization and Control at the Institute of Computer Science and the SET Program at the Jagiellonian University kindly invites to the course of Professor Dr. Mircea Sofonea from University of Perpignan Via Domitia, Faculty of Sciences, Laboratoire de Mathematiques, Physique et Systemes (LAMPS), France, on "Recent Advances in Mathematical Contact Mechanics". Lecture is interdisciplinary, the subject lies on the border of mathematics, computer science and mechanics. The course is addressed to Master students, PhD students, young doctors and faculty members.

For more details visit http://www.set.uj.edu.pl/rok-2013.