The project position is addressed to candidates to develop and study mathematical and numerical techniques in Nonsmooth Systems of Contact Mechanics. The position will be funded by the National Science Centre (NCN). Priority will be given to applicants whose background and interests match closely with the project areas. The position is open to start on October 1, 2016. Students may participate in the project until defending their MSc theses. After a student graduation the recruitment procedure will be repeated to fill a position in the project.
Selection criteriaThe evaluation of students will be based on cumulative average grade for the studies, publications and presentations at the scientific conferences, awards and prizes, and scholarships.
The requirements for undergraduate candidate
• bachelor degree in computer science, mathematics or related fields
• good record in their studies
The selection will be carried out in an open, two-step procedure.
1st step: application submission
Deadline to submit applications and supporting material is
October 1, 2016.
Applications in English (pdf format only) should be sent to
KOS_Maestro [at] ii [dot] uj [dot] edu [dot] pl.
Documents for a MSc student position
All applicants will be notified of the decision not later than one month after the submission deadline.
The interview will be carried out within one month after the submission deadline. A successful candidate will be notified within one week after interview.
Important: All applications must contain the following statement to allow us process your data: "I hereby give consent for my personal data included in the job offer to be processed for the purposed of recruitment under the Data Protection Act 1997 (Dz. U. 2002 no. 101, item 926 with subs. changes)." / "Wyrazam zgode na przetwarzanie danych osobowych w celach rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (tekst jedn.: Dz U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz 926 z pózn. zm.)."
The project position is addressed to candidates to develop and study mathematical and numerical techniques in Nonsmooth Systems of Contact Mechanics. The position will be funded by the National Science Centre (NCN). Priority will be given to applicants whose background and interests match closely with the project areas. The position is open to start on September 1, 2014. Students may participate in the project until defending their MSc theses. After a student graduation the recruitment procedure will be repeated to fill a position in the project.
Selection criteriaThe evaluation of students will be based on cumulative average grade for the studies, publications and presentations at the scientific conferences, awards and prizes, and scholarships.
The requirements for undergraduate candidate
• bachelor degree in computer science, mathematics or related fields
• good record in their studies
The selection will be carried out in an open, two-step procedure.
1st step: application submission
Deadline to submit applications and supporting material is
June 30, 2014.
Applications in English (pdf format only) should be sent to
KOS_Maestro [at] ii [dot] uj [dot] edu [dot] pl.
Documents for a MSc student position
All applicants will be notified of the decision not later than one month after the submission deadline.
The interview will be carried out within one month after the submission deadline. A successful candidate will be notified within one week after interview.
Important: All applications must contain the following statement to allow us process your data: "I hereby give consent for my personal data included in the job offer to be processed for the purposed of recruitment under the Data Protection Act 1997 (Dz. U. 2002 no. 101, item 926 with subs. changes)." / "Wyrazam zgode na przetwarzanie danych osobowych w celach rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (tekst jedn.: Dz U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz 926 z pózn. zm.)."
The second recruitment process has been completed on July 22, 2014.
The first recruitment process has been completed on July 20, 2013. The description of the recruitment procedure can be found in the announcement.