For centuries,
differential equations have been the key to unlocking nature's deepest secrets.
Over 300 years ago, Isaac Newton invented differential equations to understand the problem of motion,
and he developed calculus in order to solve differential equations.
Since then, differential equations have been the essential tool for analyzing the process of change,
whether in mechanics, engineering, biology, or any other field where it's important to predict how something
behaves over time.
The research of this project deals with nonsmooth systems including various classes of nonlinear inclusions,
and variational and hemivariational inequalities
that arise in the study of Contact Mechanics.
The project will focus on selected problems, grouped into three main topics:
• Mathematical modeling, inclusions and their well posedness
• Variational and hemivariational inequalities, and their approximation
• Numerical algorithms and simulations.
MAESTRO is a funding opportunity designed for advanced researchers wanting to conduct
pioneering research, including interdisciplinary research which is important for the
development of science. Projects within this funding scheme should surpass the current
state of knowledge, lead to the creation of a new paradigm, or forge pathways to new
frontiers in that field.
Project title: Nonsmooth Systems in Mathematical Theory of Contact Mechanics.
Principal investigator: Professor Stanislaw Migórski.
Grant agreement no.: UMO-2012/06/A/ST1/00262.
Project duration: 60 months, from April 18, 2013 to April 17, 2018.
Institute: Chair of Optimization and Control at JUK.
Supported by: National Science Centre, 30-081 Krakow, ul. Krolewska 57.